Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Scheduling and other early struggles.

Last week was a disaster of feeling discouraged.

We had to scrap the original schedule I made because Dad started teaching the middle schooler math. Except I am teaching math again. He is a back up but I still needed to plug in times for one on one.

My original home school schedule left me a shadow of a mom.

Not even kidding. For some reason, I tried to jam everything in the morning, and I ended up being a harried, horribly hungry, and totally overwhelmed mom. The baby sensed the frenzy and got fussy.

So last week was kind of thrown off because I thought I could just wing what we needed to do and when. Errands threw me off, my mom visiting a few times threw me off, and I just wasn't sure what to do and when.

Schedules can be comforting, I've learned - as long as they don't schedule every second.

And schedule breaks, for heaven's sake!

I definitely wanted to include my challenges and struggles in home schooling. So here is the first major one that I have had.

Scheduling for four kids, small group, church, husband, the home, the kids' other needs, writing, friends, family, never mind that I still haven't really scheduled anytime for my own creativity but I hope to change that soon!

I really don't want to be a resentful person, but I find myself in the victim role put there by myself when I don't give myself time and recognize when there is too much tension or stress.

So this week feels much better.

Here is my schedule. This is only for the main subjects that I directly lecture or have an agenda for. As with most home educated children, some other things are happening that are child led learning. And we are always looking for opportunities to show them "on the field" rather than from a text book.

Additionally, spelling lists are given and independent "for fun" books as well as books that I assign are also apart of our curriculum. Also, we do many creative projects that blend English and Science with art and those aren't on the main generic schedule.

Daily Schedule (this is adjusted if we have errands or piano lessons, etc):

9:00 -11:00 is my grammar and writing English block of time.

11:00 lunch, tidy, chore block

1:00 Science (lectured and discussed with the older two)

2:00 Coffee and Snack break

3:00 Math Block (kids tagteam watching the baby if she is awake for lecutre/learning time)

Bedtime - Books with Little Y and devotion time

With Little Y, I find myself working with him in the morning or afternoon when the kids have their work done for the day. For instance, today, we discussed the article on Chimps on his Big Backyard magazine subscription and we did a maze and made and read the little booklet.

He also made a card for his baby sister's upcoming birthday - so sweet.

We are keeping all media to a minimum for the big kids.

Little Y has game time when I am lecturing science, but sometimes he plays or does another activity.

Yesterday, I bought marshmallows and toothpicks for a learning activity and to introduce shapes, designs, and architecture. I didn't think it was as cool as I expected it to be. Mainly because the marshmallows were not co-operating. He spent over sixty minutes playing with it, so for that reason, I think it was a big success. I am sure he was learning tactile and other skills by doing this activity. Big brother also played with it some, but this was definitely more of a preschool craft.

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