Monday, June 25, 2012

Garden Picture

Garden growth - compare with June 6th

From the left here is the jal pepper plant, huge cucumber plant, and then another pepper all right in that first row you can compare with about three weeks ago. We also have carrots, tomatoes, and lots of greens. Brother measured a pepper growth of about three inches and I think we are ready to pick that. The lettuces are over ready and we will be picking and eating.

We spent just under an hour outside recording what we saw, observing insects, recording measurements, etc...then we went inside and worked in a science text and read about photosynthesis and they learned about how parts of the cells work and they group into tissues, then organs. They answered a few questions aloud and then did the review questions in their notebooks.

Mom note - working with the three year old was a little challenge. He is at the stage of wanting something that he can't have. Someone needs the measuring tape or mag glass - whine...I did tell him he'd be on his way to a time out if he didn't stop. He did calm down and we talked about the cucumber leaf and he wrote out the 16 in 16 inches for how tall we measured it, and then he drew a sketch of the leaf and veins. It's shaped like a heart so that was a cute little leaf!!

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